Results for 'Siger von Brabant'

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  1.  13
    Quaestiones in tertium De anima =.Siger Von Brabant - 1972 - Freiburg: Herder. Edited by Matthias Perkams.
    Einleitung -- Quaestiones in tertium De anima : Text und Übersetzung -- Appendices. Testimonien zu Siger von Brabants Über den Intellekt und Über das Glück ; Antwort eines anonymen Averroisten an Thomas von Aquin.
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    3. Traktat über die Ewigkeit der Welt.Siger von Brabant - 1994 - In Hans-Ulrich Wöhler (ed.), Texte Zum Universalienstreit, Band 2, Hoch- Und Spätmittelalterliche Scholastik: Lateinische Texte des 13.-15. Jahrhunderts. De Gruyter. pp. 65-79.
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  3. ABHANDLUNGEN Erkenntnis woher? Der Wandel von Autoritätsbezug und Philosophiebegriff in der Intellektlehre Sigers von Brabant.Michael Seewald - 2010 - Theologie Und Philosophie 85 (4):481.
    Seewald/Siger von Brabant 4/2010 Siger von Brabant vertrat in der frühen Phase seines Wirkens die Theorie einer Einheit des Intellekts, gab diese jedoch unter dem Druck der Verurteilungen von 1270 zugunsten einer an Thomas von Aquin angelehnten Aristotelesdeutung auf. Der vorliegenden Untersuchung geht es darum, eine begriffliche Unterscheidung zwischen „primärer" und „sekundärer Autorität" einzuführen und diese auf die Analyse der Autoritätsargumente, die Siger in den verschiedenen Stadien seiner Entwicklung benennt, anzuwenden. Dadurch wird es möglich, die (...)
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    Die Questiones metaphysice tres des Siger von Brabant.Joachim Vennebusch - 1966 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 48 (1-3):163-189.
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  5. Dante hatte doch Recht: Neue Ergebnisse der Forschung tiber Siger von Brabant.A. Zimmermann - 1968 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 75 (1):207-211.
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  6. Dante hatte doch recht. Neue Ergebnisse der Forschung über Siger von Brabant.Albert Zimmermann - 1967 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 75 (1):206.
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    Siger of Brabant versus Thomas Aquinas on the Possibility of Knowing the Separate Substances.Carlos Steel - 2001 - In Jan A. Aertsen, Kent Emery & Andreas Speer (eds.), Nach der Verurteilung von 1277 / After the Condemnation of 1277: Philosophie und Theologie an der Universität von Paris im letzten Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts. Studien und Texte / Philosophy and Theology at the University of Paris in the Last Quarter of. De Gruyter. pp. 211-232.
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    History of Political Ideas, Volume 2 : The Middle Ages to Aquinas.Peter von Sivers & Eric Voegelin (eds.) - 1997 - University of Missouri.
    Voegelin's magisterial account of medieval political thought opens with a survey of the structure of the period and continues with an analysis of the Germanic invasions, the fall of Rome, and the rise of empire and monastic Christianity. The political implications of Christianity and philosophy in the period are elaborated in chapters devoted to John of Salisbury, Joachim of Flora, Frederick II, Siger de Brabant, Francis of Assisi, Roman law, and climaxing in a remarkable study of Saint Thomas (...)
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  9. Sobre la Unidad del Intelecto contra los Averroístas, Tomás de Aquino – Tratado acerca del Alma Intelectiva, Siger de Brabante.Tomás de Aquino & Siger de Brabante - 2005 - Pamplona: EUNSA.
    La Universidad de París en la Europa de finales del siglo XIII fue centro de acaloradas discusiones acerca del alma del hombre. La cuestión del alma es el punto doctrinal central y se muestra decisivo porque en la resolución de este único punto puede verse el trasfondo antropológico y metafísico de toda una cosmovisión filosófica e incluso teológica del universo. Una de las más problemáticas cuestiones que se plantearon acerca del alma es el problema de la unidad del intelecto para (...)
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  10.  5
    Traité de l'éternité du monde.Siger de Brabant - 2017 - Paris: Hermann. Edited by Siger, Roger Bruyeron & Françoise Coursaget.
    A l'instar de ses confrères des années 1250-1260 à l'Université de Paris, Siger de Brabant prit activement part à un mouvement de prise de conscience et de revendication intellectuelle, d'émancipation de la raison contre l'autorité du dogme et le dogmatisme en général, et joua un rôle essentiel dans l'émergence d'un nouveau style, d'une nouvelle morale, d'une nouvelle forme d'existence : en un mot, à la vie philosophique. Il proposa une nouvelle éthique, établie à partir de la lecture d'Aristote, (...)
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    Siger de Brabant et l'averroïsme latin au XIIIme siècle.P. Mandonnet & Siger - 1899 - Fribourg (Suisse): Librairie de l'Université. Edited by Giles & Albertus.
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    Teorias do Intelecto na Idade Média Latina.Jakob Hans Josef Schneider - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1445-1522.
    Resumo: No capítulo 5 do Livro III De anima (430a10-19) Aristóteles distingue entre o νοῦς ποιητικός (nous poietikós), chamado pelos Latinos intellectus agens (intelecto agente), e νοῦς παθητικός (nous pathetikós), chamado pelos Latinos intellectus passivus, ou seja, intellectus possibilis (intelecto possível), termos técnicos e filosóficos mais comuns. O capítulo 5 é de grande importância não só para a filosofia antiga e para os comentadores das obras de Aristóteles, como os comentários de Teofrasto, de Alexander de Afrodisias, de Simplício e Themístius (...)
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  13. Siger de Brabant d'après ses œuvres inédites.Fernand van Steenberghen & Siger - 1931 - Louvain,: Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie. Edited by Siger.
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    Siger de Brabant: écrits de logique, de morale, et de physique: édition critique.Bernard Siger & Bazán - 1974 - Louvain: Publications universitaires. Edited by Bernard Bazàn.
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  15. L'opuscule de Siger de Brabant "De aeternitate mundi".Siger - 1937 - Louvain,: Institut supérieur de philosophie. Edited by W. J. Dwyer.
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  16.  16
    Verzeichnis ungedruckter Kommentare zur Metaphysik und Physik des Aristoteles aus der Zeit von etwa 1250-1350. [REVIEW]A. W. W. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):576-577.
    The author is a student of the renowned German medievalist, Josef Koch. Having himself worked for more than ten years on medieval commentaries on Aristotle's Physics and Metaphysics, Zimmermann wishes to make the result of his researches available to others. To reduce his mass of material to tractable dimensions, he follows the pattern of F. Stegmüller's Repertorium of commentaries on Lombard's Sentences, giving first a description of the manuscripts examined, then a transliteration of the titles of all questions treated in (...)
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  17.  41
    Siger of Brabant on Divine Providence and the Indeterminacy of Chance.Andrew LaZella - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (4):483-500.
    The compatibility of divine providence with the contingency of human freedom is widely-debated within medieval thought. Following recent works on the Islamicphilosopher Averroes, this essay expands the issue of causal indeterminism to include the less disputed question of contingency in the larger framework of chance. In tradition of Latin Averroism, Siger of Brabant provides a unique and heterodox perspective on the compatibility of chance with providence. Unlike his fellow scholastics who attempt to preserve contingency under the watchful gaze (...)
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  18. Siger de Brabant: une réponse grammaticale au problème de l'être et de l'essence.Adina Secretan - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (4):329-351.
    L�entrée de la Métaphysique d�Aristote en Europe occidentale a provoqué fascination et embarras. Les lectures nouvelles d�Aristote entrèrent souvent en confrontation avec les exégèses bibliques ; des problématiques spécifiquement médiévales, comme celle de l�être et de l�essence, sont alors apparues. Nous proposons ici la traduction d�une Question appartenant à un cours sur la Métaphysique donné à la fin du XIIIe siècle par Siger de Brabant, maître à la Faculté des arts de l�Université de Paris. La Question 7 propose (...)
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    (1 other version)Siger de Brabant.Eric Voegelin - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (4):507-526.
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    Siger de Brabant et la notion d'operans intrinsecum : un coup de maître ?Jean-Baptiste Brenet - 2013 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 97 (1):3-36.
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    Siger of Brabant and Thomas Aquinas on Divine Power and the Separability of Accidents.Antoine Côté - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (4):681 – 700.
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    Siger of Brabant on Determinism: A Reassessment of De necessitate et contingentia causarum.Francesco Binotto - 2024 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 66:31-54.
    In this paper I discuss Siger of Brabant’s anti-deterministic argument as developed in De necessitate et contingentia causarum. First, I offer an in-depth reconstruction of how Siger justifi es the contingency of effects in nature: the contingent status of an effect depends only on (the contingent status of) its proximate cause, and not on the First Cause. According to Siger, the First Cause, which is understood as a necessary cause, only determines the necessity of its immediate (...)
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  23.  18
    SIGER DE BRABANTE: De aeternitate mundi'.Carlos Rodrigues Gesualdi - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (3):751-767.
    Introducción a la lectura del De aeternitate mundi El De aetemitate de Siger es un texto polémico, origen y parte de diversos equívocos producidos en un escenario de importantes contiendas doctrinales y profundos cambias históricos. Como introducción a su lectura intentaré caracterizar muy brevemente algunos de dichos equívocos y después, aun más brevemente, las líneas generales de la contienda en la que se encuadran. Al fin, expondré sinteticamente los criterios adaptados para la traducción, agregando en último término uma bibliografia (...)
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  24.  26
    Siger de Brabant d'après ses œuvres inédites.Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1930 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 32 (28):403-423.
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    Siger of Brabant.B. Carlos Bazén - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 632–640.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Philosophy as a “professional” project Philosophy and faith Theory of knowledge Metaphysics The eternity of the world The unicity of the intellect.
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    Siger of Brabant.François-Xavier Putallaz - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1194--1200.
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    Siger of Brabant: The eternity of the world.Peter King - unknown
    phers] to be a demonstration of the fact that the human species (and in every case the species of all generable and corruptible individuals) began to exist at a time when previously it had not existed at all, a question is raised: whether, following the Philosopher’s method, the human species (and in every case any given species of generable and corruptible [individuals]) began to exist at a time when previously it had not existed at all.
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  28.  24
    Siger of Brabant.Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1951 - Modern Schoolman 29 (1):11-27.
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    Siger of Brabant: What It Means to Proceed Philosophically.John F. Wippel - 1998 - In Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.), Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?: Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Mittelalterliche Philosophie der Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médié. Erfurt: De Gruyter. pp. 490-496.
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    Siger de Brabant contre St. Thomas d’Aquin.Hyun Sok Chung - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 14:105-120.
    Siger conçoit sa critique à l’encontre de la théorie thomasienne de l’intellect en s’appuyant sur les adages tels que « agere sequitur formam » et « potentia non potest esse simplicior aut immaterialior quam eius substantia ». Structurant son argumentation autour de ces deux principes, il tente de démontrer que la position de Thomas d’Aquin se réduit finalement à une position matérialiste ou, se révèle encore être philosophiquement intenable lorsque ce dernier soutientces deux thèses qui, pour Siger, sont (...)
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    Siger of Brabant's De Necessitate et Contingentia Causarum and Ms Peterhouse 152.Armand Maurer - 1952 - Mediaeval Studies 14 (1):48-60.
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    Siger of Brabant and theology.Armand Maurer - 1988 - Mediaeval Studies 50 (1):257-278.
  33.  15
    Siger of Brabant.James B. South - unknown
    Medieval philosophy is the collective name given to the philosophies of thinkers who lived between the end of the Roman Empire, c. 400, and the beginning of the modern era, c. 1490. The philosophers profiled in DLB Volume 115 were involved in education, public life and ecclesiastical administration, and thus represent the various schools of thought that existed throughout this vast period. This volume offers much new information on these scholars, and fills the gap in available literature. The entries, containing (...)
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    Siger of Brabant, Anti-Theologian.Thomas P. Bukowski - 1990 - Franciscan Studies 50 (1):57-82.
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    Siger de Brabant. Écrits de logique, de morale et de physique.James McEvoy - 1975 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 24:263-264.
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    Siger of Brabant vs. Thomas Aquinas on Theology.Thomas P. Bukowski - 1987 - New Scholasticism 61 (1):25-32.
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    Siger of Brabant-a Beam of Light in the Darkness of Scholasticism.B. E. Bykhovskii - 1978 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 17 (2):80-98.
    The "assimilation" of Aristotle by Albertus Magnus and St. Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century marked, despite all the scholastic distortion it entailed, a new stage in the history of medieval philosophy, elevating it to a higher level of development, and became, contrary to the intentions of its founders, the source of a revival of philosophical thinking. Aristotle, penetrating the University of Paris, proved to be a "Trojan horse" in the philosophical confrontation that developed around him.
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    Siger of Brabant on Fables and Falsehoods in Religion.Armand Maurer - 1981 - Mediaeval Studies 43 (1):515-530.
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    Siger of Brabant and an Averroistic Commentary on the Metaphysics in Cambridge, Peterhouse Ms.Armand Maurer - 1950 - Mediaeval Studies 12 (1):233-235.
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    Thomas Aquinas, Siger of Brabant, and Their Use of Avicenna in Clarifying the Subject of Metaphysics.John F. Wippel - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 2:15-26.
    Both Aquinas and Siger were familiar with a fundamental disagreement within the earlier philosophical tradition concerning the subject of metaphysics: Is it being as being, or is it divine being? If Avicenna represented one approach to this issue, and Averroes another, both Thomas and Siger were closer to Avicennathan to Averroes in their respective solutions. Nonetheless, each resolved the issue in a distinct way. Also contested in the earlier tradition was the question of whether it belongs to physics (...)
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  41. Siger de Brabant. Étude critique et textes inédits. Philosophes belges.Pierre Mandonnet - 1911 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 72:309-311.
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    Siger de Brabant et la doctrine de la double vérité.Ferdinand Sassen - 1931 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 33 (30):170-179.
  43. L'opuscule de Siger de Brabant, De aeternitate mundi.W. Dwyer - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:666.
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  44.  10
    Maître Siger de Brabant.Fernand van Steenberghen - 1977 - Louvain: Peeters.
  45. De siger de Brabant à Jacques de Plaisance.Zdzislaw Kuksewicz - 1968 - Wrocław,: Ossolineum.
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  46. Siger de Brabant: Questions sur la métaphysique. [REVIEW]J. P. Müller - 1950 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 28:359.
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    On the non-identity between prim matter and potency in siger of Brabant's "metaphysics".Andrew LaZella - 2010 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 39 (1):9-44.
    To avoid reification of prime matter, or the indeterminate, yet determinable, substrate underlying all change, many readers of Aristotle have identified this per se unknowable “stuff” with its functional identity, i.e., as a conceptual placeholder of the sum of formal potencies abstracted from concrete particulars.Despite the appeal of this reduction, a case will be made in reference to Siger of Brabant’s Metaphysics for the irreducibility of prime matter. This entails granting an extra-formal reality to prime matter beyond its (...)
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  48. Siger de Brabant, Quaestiones in Metaphysicam: Edition revue de la reportation de Munich, texte inédit de la reportation de Vienne, ed. William Dunphy. (Philosophes Médiévaux, 24.) Louvain-la-Neuve: Editions de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, 1981. Paper. Pp. 457. BF 1,400.Siger de Brabant, Quaestiones in Metaphysicam: Texte inédit de la reportation de Cambridge, édition revue de la reportation de Paris, ed. Armand Maurer. (Philosophes Médiévaux, 25.) Louvain-la-Neuve: Editions de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie 1983. Paper. Pp. 478. BF 1,600. [REVIEW]Steven P. Marrone - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):1005-1007.
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  49. Saint Thomas et Siger de Brabant.M. Chossat - 1914 - Revue de Philosophie 25:25.
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    Thomas Aquinas and Siger of Brabant on Being and the Science of Being as Being.F. John - 2005 - Modern Schoolman 82 (2):143-168.
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